Monday, May 31, 2010

I'm going to fix it. And your not going to like it.





Your all going to be under the Christians.

Not going to be the Christians.

That will band aid it.

But it won't work forever.

That is a three level hierarchy.

Say: Christian, Catholic, Roman or Christian, Orthodox, Russian
So, basically, we want the Protestants to be Orthodox.

Race: A - American; O - Orthodox; C - Catholic; B - Buddhist; S - Shinto; J - Jewish; Etc.

That's how it is for us.

That's why we have so much trouble.

To the people that deal with what you don't need to know anything about it looks like we're one huge superpower fighting against itself.


We shouldn't call ourselves white, we should call ourselves Christian.

It's your religion that determines your race, not your skin color.


You do have to understand how they make things gifted.

In the USA, the, "Americans," make things gifted.

In the Orthodox lands, Jesus and his appointees make things gifted.

And you've been using the Christians ever since you arrived.

That's what the problem is.

So that's how it is...

We go and take everything with us.

We want everything to be in the Russian Federation.

We don't want anything to be in the United States.

That's how it's looking.

And together we're the, "Union of Orthodox Socialist Republics."


I know what land belongs to the Christians.

Only the land in former USSR, Eastern Europe outside of the EU, and any Orthodox countries.

EU belongs to the Vatican.

So if your Christians... And you are. For us to be able to make things gifted you have to be on our land.


What it is is that they all want to be Russians.

They want to live in the Far East.

So let's open it to settlement by the former USA citizens.

Let Siberia be the middle ground.

And probably the Europeans want to go to the United States.

And Europe is entirely over populated as it is.

We'll see how this works out.

They wanted to be in the Russian Federation.

However, that leaves out the wonderful Yugoslavians and other eastern europeans.

So we're probably all going to the Russian Federation.

That is "our place in the world."

We're not Americans...

It was the Americans. But it wasn't us.

It's all far too complicated.

Look at it like this.

We have an entire continent big enough for all of us in the Americans to live on.

We need to be there living together.

We're all Christians.

It's always going to be a war between us and the other religions.

I look at the USA as being Japanese.

They have a strong hold on it.

And they don't have any place to go.

The Chinese want the Japanese Islands.

So that's how I forsee the world changing.

All of the, "white," South Americans going to Russian Federation.

All of the, "Christians," from USA going to Russian Federation.

Oceania being the English.


The gifted war is over.

Won by CIS.

The religious war is starting.

Because you have to be in the CIS to be Christian.

That means they are all going to have to find new religions and work out the language problems.

We'll have to unify our currency for this period of working things out.

In the end you'll see it was neither of us. It was everyone else.

People pulling our strings for too long.

CUC = UK Pound

I anticipate this taking 40 years. Some other estimates are as high as 80 years.

We'll have to use commonwealth oil and ethanol.

Basically we're embargoing the rest of the world.

Sorry. This is the way it has to be.

Our language is Russian.

Although, most everyone does speak English.

We may all decide to be Orthodox Christians in all of this.

Just remember. We have an area the size of the USA that is welcome to settlement in Russia. It is mostly unpopulated.

Yeah one last note...

I'm on beer #6 or so...

And I think I forgot what it was.

Maybe I'll remember... maybe I won't.

Basically I'm going to put USA, EU, USSR, and all of the rest of Europe in the CIS...

We need 10 years like that to be able to sort this disugsting mess out.

CIS is making things gifted.

Fuck the UN. I don't mean it like that. I just mean it like that.

The Good News

Is that we were able to get rid of everything they've made gifted and keep what we've been trying to make gifted.

The bad news is that we needs years to get rid of it.

She said 8 years.

That's how bad it is...

Send me someone from Moscow. I can't wait that long.


I'll be in Cincinati for that 8 - 10 years.

We're looking at January 1, 2020 as a start date. I suppose we'll all be in the CIS until then.

CIS is making things gifted. We need that long. 10 years.

We need 10 years to make that much stuff gifted and not gifted.

Dobre vecher.

Benthic diseases.

We had some uncouth satan worshipers introduce an entire class of benthic diseases to the human race.

I don't know too much about it.

Mine went away with antibiotics. But it took 6 - 9 years to get rid of them. On and off antibiotics.

Yeah it was everyone against us.

It was the entire world vs. USA AND USSR.

It really wasn't USA vs. USSR. They are the ones that where making things gifted.

Now it's UOSR, EU, and USA. Christian Allies.

Eventually in the distant future, the USA may chose not to be Christian. But for now that's how we've got it organized.

The things that make things gifted are all in Moscow.

We're on channel PAL 8 in Moscow. 1000kw.

The entire lot of them. Not us... they are all Satan Worshipers.

We have eliminated HIV and Lou Gehrigs disease. They will introduce more diseases that may be worse. But that's what we've been working on getting rid of. Two that we can't do anything about.


They said my famiy is all in Cincinnati.

William, Aaron, Rudy, Gus, and Meme.

I said they are all in Moscow.

I'm not telling you who they are.


It was the Commonwealth of Massachussettes that was making things gifted.

They are going to have to come up with the money.

I know all about what was going on.

If you don't we'll make you retarded bullshit.

So that's how we want it to be:

We want Cincinnai to be our Orthodox American city. Our Hub city.

Aeroflot into Cincinnati, Delta / Comair into wherever else.


The idea was this:

Manhunt & Womanhunt - phone lines.

Adam4adam, Adam4eve, Eve4Eve, Eve4adam. Online sites.

And eventually to have them be operated as a division of IBM so I know they won't ever go away.

Online Buddies dba $i

My message from God:

It is NOT ok to be circumcized.
It's ok to drink. In moderation.
It's ok to be homosexual.
It is NOT ok to do drugs.


That is 250 million each. That pays for our investigations.

I'll buy Manhunt and Adam4Adam and merge them into a new Manhunt.

Bring back the Manhunt phone lines.

And introduce a sight for the women.

We'll be in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Then moving to Moscow later. In 2 - 5 years.

At that point we'll be IBM.

State of Ohio vs State of Mississippi re: Brosh, Joseph M. Yaroslav

Ohio wants to know why I was commited.

Your in hot water.

UC says I could only have been evaluated.

No grounds for commitment.

Grounds for a CT / MRI and heavy antibiotics.

Also, State of Kentucky formerly Commonwealth of Kentucky and State of Indiana. Class action.

Seeks damages in the amount of 1 billion dollars and criminal charges.

Oh yeah.

We don't do any drugs. We just drink.

Call it holy water. We found a way to use it to make things gifted.

Never again will we use those other things to have to make things gifted.


At the Orthodox University of Cincinnati.

Formerly the University of Cincinnati.

We have OUC, Xavier Catholic, and Miami U. Along with Hebrew college, etc.

I'm going back home to learn the Orthodox language.

Govorut pa-paraslovlsky pjalista.

I made Cincinnati, Yaroslav, Ohio / Kentucky / Indiana, to I-275 ring out 5 miles. All in the city limits.

I put Yaroslav in the Orthodox Union.

I made Moscow, Cankt Yaroslav.

So that is how I changed the world.

That's all I want to be remembered.

That Patron Saint of the Homosexuals.

Money to make it happen...

We have one trillion dollars.

I'm going to budget 500 billion dollars.

We're one big Christian family now.

They need us ... we're gonna have to spend some money in the USA... Better to build an Orthodox American City than to blow up New York.

That's what we've got to do.

I need 500 billion dollars. So deposit it in 5/3 Bancorp; Cincinnati, Ohio - Yarsoslav - CPCR

We don't want a Krasno Sovietsky. We want a Yaroslavsburg.


I made Moscow, Yaroslavsburg.

It's up to the Orthodoxes to prepend the Cankt.


We want everyone on Manhunt to be from Cincinnati.

That should fix it.

It's an all American city. Unlike that god damned commonwealth.


We're going back to Cincinnati, Ohio.

That's our American city.

It was Boston, Massachussettes that started this entire gifted war.

Our American Friends...

They are all "from" Boston.

So we'll be leaving from Boston going to Moscow.

We're hoping to bring:

Online Buddies
Micron Aptina
Global Crossing
Juniper Networks
Force 10 Networks
Open BSD
Gentoo Foundation [BSD]

VW BMW Alpina Rolls Royce Company - The Shkoda company.

Orthodox Bank - Citigroup I think it is going to be.

All we need to computerize the Orthodox Union properly.

Dobre vecher.

So it's Apple Computers: Apple, SGI, IBM

So it isn't PowerPC It's the new IBM Itaniuam @ 5 ghz with the Sparc T2 type system on a chip integration.

So all together that is E kratkoye, b, m. IBM International.

So we want to get it all together in Cincinnati and then move to the Moscow International Business Centre.

IBM International - Yaroslav

oops. And google. Our most important partner.

I almost forgot them.

President & Prime Minister

They look at everyones giftedness...
Especially Svetlana M.


I'm going to Boston, Massachussettes.

That is where we're leaving from.

Boston to Moscow.

Boston is our American city.

We made Gulfport MSA - Pascagoula MSA.

You are Pascagoula, Mississippi.



So we're are the homosexuals from Moscow.

We're the ones that won the war.

I put all of our favorite companies in Moscow.

#1 is Manhunt. [Womanhunt]

They are the only ones that look at my giftedness on a regular basis.

I'm Yaroslav.

I'll be moving to Moscow as soon as the Kremlin finishes the paperwork.

We just didn't want to be Soviets.

They are the Soviet Saints. But we don't want to remember Soviet times.

Orthodox Union

We are the Union of Orthox Socialist Republics.

Dobre den.