Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's that original plan.

North South Toll Roads.

East West Freeways.

We've got the right people on the job now.

Welcome to Florida.

Gulfport, Florida

We need everything you've got to give us.

We've got this oil spill to deal with.

We've got Katrina to deal with.

And you don't even want to know what kind of other stuff we've got here to deal with.

It's all going to Gulfport, Florida.

Gulfport is also a neighborhood in Tampa St. Peterburg

Baton Rouge is in Florida. New Orleans is the capital of Louisiana.

North on the lake is in Florida.

West Florida

They do not want us in any of those other states.

They do want us to be in West Florida.

116 hours minimum before we can look into how we're going to do that.

It's either that or be part of Florida.

We're in the State of Florida.

It's finished. Everything we need is already in Florida.

My Orange Tree is gifted. It's always been from Florida.


Central American Socialist Republic:

Made up of I forgot how many units. They may all change.

The capital is Gulfport. We may use Spanish.

I don't know. Lots of things are changing.

We can't afford to compete with one another.

Were going to be just like the Soviets. One of everything.

It simply doesn't work to compete the way we've been competing.

It was a war as the personal level. You wanted everyone to be gifted.

Well we've done it. It's going to take a long time to finish it.

The framework is layed.

The humans are a collective. We have a database of every known everything at the top level. You see the hierarchy of databases.

Let the humans at the top level decide what we need from other places. They've already been making things gifted.

This is how it works:

Human Universe Control Room; Space is everywhere.
Galaxy Control Room; Galaxy Space is everywhere in the Galaxy.
Solar System Control Room; Solar System Space is everywhere that is in the Solar System.
Object Control Room; That is an obects space. Including moons, rings, etc. Perhaps the life is on the rings? I'm not telling you.

In our case the object control room is my bedroom currently.

We're still making things gifted.

But we're complete up to the Solar System level.

We've got the object... it's just in flux. I need 58 more hours.

Better news.

They figured out why they had me being from so many places.

It took us 58 hours to make the Universe gifted.

I'm from Gulfport, Mississippi, Central America, Inti-3-0, Milky Way Galaxy, Human Universe.

I do need a new name, however... We're generating one.

But it has been decided that we are going to be the Central American Socialist Republic.

We'll worry about what religion that is later. They make you "born-again." In most instances.

I've decided...

That we need them in Novosibirsk.

We need you to make people Orthodox and Soviet.

Just like you made people Catholic and Polish.

I know all about it.

We've got about alot of million people to fix.

No one can believe it...

No one...

No one can believe what was going on in the United States.

We'd rather all speak Russian.

But enough about that.

Why did they have to steal someones giftedness? It looks like they already had the entire Universes giftedness.

Anyhow. We're Universally famous. We're the Soviet Union from the Milkyway Galaxy.

We collectivized the Human Races.


Get me a job at Sibir Telekom...

We'll get HP to town.

And then buy Global Crossing and Equinix.

Then it would be Soviet Telekom.

And work with the government to go back to our old ways.

Merging networks, rebuilding the network with HP equipment, etc.

Scratch IBM

Make that HP

HP Titanium PC

Use everything we've got from Sparc on Titanium.

We won't have trouble getting it up to speed.

SGI International
BSD Foundation
Gentoo Foundation
Juniper Networks
Force 10 Networks

Scratch Xerox. HP has all the printing we need.
Scratch Apple. We'll be using Novell SUSE Linux.

All the same just replace IBM with HP.

Global Crossing Equinix.

HP Unix Experience
SGI Irix Experience
Sun Solaris Experiece [Oracle]
BSD Experience

All going into Novell Linux.

That's what we need.

And as far as hardware is concerned...

We've got Oracle, HP, and SGI experience.

We'll get Itanium up to speed.


It's Novosibirsk...


I guess Krasnoyarsk is more the kind of place that builds Airplanes.

We're going to Novosibirsk.

Dobre den.


We're going to have to make English an official second language for 50 years.

We've got too much stuff coming in from other parts of the world.

And they never adopted Russian.

We have to get everything translated to Russian... give us 50 year timeframe.

That is long enough to figure out what words from all of these other languages we can't live without.


They've almost got me well enough to work again.

It's Global Crossing.

Global Crossing Siberia HQ
Global Crossing [Republic] Operating Unit
Global Crossing International Overseas Unit

We'd be in Krasnoyarsk. Not Novosibirsk.

We'd be taking all of the "RBOC's" from the USSR and combining them.

We're going back to dialup modems. We will roll-out DSL. We won't have cable or cablemodems. We're going to use sattelites and antennas.

So if we have to isolate our network IPV4 and use AS1 ; +1; / 8 we will.

We'll see who they'd rather be connected to. Worry about that later.

So it's back to the late 1980's for us. Man those where good years.

Back to the BBS days.

Intel Note: We'd rather not use any AMD64 instructions. We'd rather go for the slower Itaniums and let you get it up to speed with IBM and Oracle.

Cold War II

The Soviet Union is making things gifted.

You are being threatened by the Weapons of Mass Destruction of the Soviet Union.

It's all of the Socialist Countries.

Siberia SSR
Far East SSR
Russian Federation SSR's
Ukraine SSR
Moldovan SSR
Yugoslavia SSR - Albania
Hellenic SSR
Bulgaria SSR - Hungary, Romania
Czechoslavakia SSR
Poland SSR
East German SSR
Kazakstan SSR
Other Stan SSRs
Azerbaijan SSR
Georgia SSR

We have requested to declared war on the United States of America.

We have the cash to buy those companies. That is what we intend to do. There is no point in developing parrallel technologies again. So if that starts a war, so be it. We're after:

SGI International
Juniper Networks
Force10 Networks
BSD Foundation including Gentoo Foundation; Open BSD; Net BSD; and Free BSD
X Windows Foundation
GNU Foundation
Global Crossing

Etc. You've seen the list before.

We want Global Crossing to be the Soviet, "AT&T of the 2000's."

We'll work out an IP renumbering plan.

IBM's Apple PowerPC feauturing the [T]Itanium processor.

Now all of that shit...

That you made the Derbyshire's. Is the Soviet Union's.

You lose.

You keep trying to turn me into an American White Trash Shitsucker.

I'm not polish, brosh, fountain, benjamin's, or any of tht bull shit.

I'm having you exterminated. I just contacted the red army.

Mas Dobre

I've got everything in the Soviet Union making things gifted.

The way it is supposed to be.

CCCP wins.

What happened?

You where living in an absolute anarchy.

They where the Derbyshires and you where all the Broshes.

They tried to make the Soviet Union theirs... To get rid of us.

And then use the USA to terrorize the world.

It's all over now.

We're the Soviet Union.

I think your in the American Union. I don't know what they said. I don't really care. I'm from the Soviet Union quit trying to make me be from somewhere else.

They don't want the olympics in Sochi.

They don't want to have the Olympics in Sochi.

We do want them in Krasnoyarsk.

We have 3 years. That is just barely enough time to be ready for them.

They don'

I figured out what we want Moscow to do.

We want Moscow to be the seat of the Military.

Our Pentagon has 21 million people in it.

Krasnoyarsk is the capital. We are making things gifted like we're supposed to be.

We're #1 city in the Soviet Union.

Moscow is #2 city.

So in 50 years... We will have 5 million people.

All of the COMECON 1986 countries are back in the Soviet Union.

Your going to be in the European Union.

As far as I can tell...

California is the European Union.

Gov. Schwarzeneger.


They are never allowed to use any SLAVIC LANGUAGE.

Those companies that we love so much.

We want them in Krasnoyarsk.

We'll do whatever it takes to get you there.

USA was the problem.

The people that made up the USA where the problem.

They where are terrorists.

Your in the CIS.

Your currency is the Euro.

We're on the Soviet Ruble.

We worth 2 times the Euro.

Svetlana, Dmitri

We took Siberia East out of the Federation.

We made it Siberia SFSR. Soviet Union.

We made all of the Federal Districts individual republics.

Your in the CIS.

As soon as they get everything ready we'll be ready for you in the Soyuz.

Krasnoyarsk is the capital.

We're borrowing 3 trillion rubles. Do the math...

If we default we'll be in the Peoples Republic of China. We know we won't default.

1 Soviet Ruble = 2 CIS Euros. 1 USD = 1 CIS Euro; 1 Euro = 1 CIS Euro.

That should be sattisfactory. Russian Federation was the problem. Don't look at it that way though. It just isn't what our people want. We're Soviets.

We want:

European Union to collapse.

We want you in the Commonwealth of Independant State.

So we can get rid of these monarchies.

No one wants to be in a monarchy anymore.

All of the states want to be in the Commonwealth of Independant States.

They don't want to pay Federal Taxes any longer. They want to pay High State Taxes.


We are still the Soviet Union.

As long as there is a CIS there is a Soviet Union.

We are all prepared to pay high federal taxes.

When is the soonest we can be taxed?

We want to borrow 2 trillion from China to get us through.

We want to borrow 1 trillion from Japan to get us through.

That will give us 3 trillion.

We are all in the CIS now. Ukraine just joined.

USSR is in Krasnoyarsk at Siberia Federal University.

Bye bye terrorsits.

The United States collapsed.

They want to be in the United Kingdoms.

They made all of the states monarchies.

I've had a god damned nough of this.

"I'm making you be from Pascagoula."

One more fucking time shitsucker.

I've got 20 megatons with Pascagoula written on it.

Aimed right at Singing River fucking hospital.

We made it:

The Soviet Collective.

We'll work out of it until we can be in the human collective.

Maybe we already are.

We're light years ahead of you.

Your inhumane terrorists. We call you shitsuckers.

You will be exterminated.

One way or another.

You keep trying to turn me into a god damned pole.

Poland is in the Soviet Union.

You will be exterminated.

Did you think it was a joke to try to make me be from another galaxy?

They don't think it's joke.

They are making things gifted.

Fine I love the Soviet Union.

I've done everything I know how to do for them.

And I'm not going to stop.


We made Australia Level 10,000,000 we are the Dushanbes.
USA Level 5,000,000 they are the Bushes.
UK is Level 0. They are the Windsors.

UN is going to be level 100,000,000 as soon as they can leave the USA.

That is a Vuelta birth certificate in my giftedness.

It's been translated to Australian.

August 2, 1980 @ Vuelta 9. It took 14 days to get to Australia.
August 17, 1980 @ Sydney, Australia. Citizenship granted.
August 29, 1980 @ Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Mutilated.

They are on their way to Sydney, Australia as soon as possible.

I'm going back to Andromeda Galaxy.

Saturday, June 5, 2010



destination Australia.

I've had enough of all of these people thinking they rule the world.

They are simply terrorists.

"Just abduct somebody and make things gifted; there is nothing anyone can do about it."


It was the United Kingdom.

They have been shutdown.

Australia is making things gifted.

USA Active Forces are the Australian Forces.

National Guard is the USA Forces.


United Kingdom


We're moving everything to Sydney, Australia.

Australia is making things gifted.


You are Australians.

You'll go to the South Americans once we get everything translated to Spanish... That could be 50 - 150 years.

"I wanted to be in the Australian Army."

Australia uses methamphetamine to make people gifted.


Poland, Derbyshire, Kelly, Brosh, Fountain, Fields, Benjamin; You have been selected for extermination.

Yeah, start with Poland. They where using the Czech Republic to make things gifted.

We shut down the Czech Republic.


All of that stuff we want to come to Australia.

Not anywhere else. We only speak English.

I'm going to stay here and let the Australians find someone for me to make gifted after this life is finished.

I'm Australian Citizen. I was born in Sydney they said. Mid August 1980.

Dushanbe, Negdo Sydney, Australia
Mother - Andromeda Galaxy - Vuelta
Father - Andromeda Galaxy - Vuelta

We're sending all of the Alians to Australia. We all learned English.

Dushanbe, Negdo
Speir, Barbara
Roberts, Lena
Cabrera, Taylor
Cabrera, Isabelle
Cabrera, Kai

We are going to Australia.


Your all in compliance.

They want us to move to Sydney, Australia.

It was Washington, DC. The govt. didn't control the giftedness.

The same problem in New York.

Moskva is gifted.

We just made Moskva gifted.

We will be making things gifted in 56 hours.

As well as your Union of South American Nations.

We put the continents of America under giftedness USAN.

The rest of the continents are under USSR giftedness.

Antarctica is neutral. The penguins operate their own giftedness.

You giftedness

Has been exterminated.

You have 56 hours for compliance.

32 more hours...

Until we can make things gifted in this Solar System.

You are in the Human Collective.

Andromeda is looking at your giftedness.

They think they can just change you to fit their lies.

"No he is not."

"He is from..."

"He is retarded."

Your days are over. Your extermination is being planned and scheduled.

You think it's up to you to just want someone to be mutilated. This practice you call circumcized. You think you can pay $500,000 to, "make sure of something."

NO. You have been selected for extermination.
This is not a game.

You don't just want to be one of the or from them.

You are born somewhere and you die somewhere.

These are static. Everything else is mostly dynamic.

You shitsucker brosh in d'iberville, mississippi, is from Pascagoula, Earth. And died in Iraq, Earth.

It is a mild intellgenced terrorist with the impression that it it god.

"I'm shitsucker Brosh, I'm from the US Army, I'm going to make you all the $ns."

You can't do anything right. Everything you've done looks like it was built out of cardboard and duct tape.

You are being threatened by Andromeda Galaxy.

The Soviet Union has answered our request for your extermination.

It is your

United Nations
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates

You have been identified as terrorist orginizations.

You are not from other planets. You are all from this Earth located in Milky Way Galaxy.

Your not going to dictate for the Universe. We have a giftedness that does that.

Apparently you call this being, United.

We call this being terrorists.

"We're the, $i, we do whatever we want."

This place has been identified;

As a universal terrorist organization.

They've tried to take over the Universe's giftedness.

Andromeda Galaxy handles that. We are all level 10,000,000, or above.

You are at level 0.

Your nuclear weapons are no threat to us.

We have a war giftedness.


We assigned everything a 64 bit integer. We'll need more bits later.

0:Negdo that's me
1:Andromeda Galaxy
2:Vuelta that's sun

Oh no.

I'm not going back any where.

We don't care what any of you shitsucking American wanna be dictators want.



They are coming here from Andromeda in our Warships.

There are 18 planets in my solar system. 8 are inhabited.

Our sun is purple. The sky is red. The moons are green.

Andromeda Galaxy

This is Milky Way Galaxy.

I'm making things gifted in Andromeda.

I'm one of the Andromedas.

Your the Milky Ways.

We knew we where coming back some day.

October 2009 - Red October
The Soviets came back to save us.
Mid October we where able to make things gifted.


Vladivostok, Far East CCP; 1980.

Taken to Ocean Springs, MS. Mary Ann Derbyshire did it.

The Speirs just happened to have been gifted. Their giftedness was also stolen.

The told me to make the Broshes gifted. They made 800 million people the Brosh/Fieldses. They are all muslim americans.

Not our problem.

We are the Orthodox Christian Soviet Union.

Yeah Currency:

1 Soviet Ruble = 4 USD

GDP = 20 trillion rubles
Population = 1 billion soviets

From USA to Soviet Union:
Novell - Suse Linux OS

Moscow Corporations.

Copyright 2010 - Soviet Union

Deploy all mobile nuclear rockets to Europe Federation. [SSR]

They are the United States of America. They have to be Americans.

We shall Embargo the entire world. We are 100% self sufficient.

We don't care about anyone but ourselves.

It was the entire world against us.

We need 100 - 500 years to recover. Ok we'll have it done in 50.

But seriously. We are completely independant of the rest of the world. We shall embargo them.

Turkey is in the Soviet Union.


Russian / Sovietsky is our language.

We'll simply make it a required second language for 50 years then make their home languages required for 50 years.

In 100 years we'll all be on the same language.

In 200 years everything will have been translated into our language.

You don't want anything to do with those languages. You'll see why later.

So the base is Russian.

Govorut pa - sovietsky pzhalista.


The European Union and the Soviet Union are now the Soviet Union:

I estimate years for integration; 4 years for it to be comfortable.

Moscow Kremlin is making things gifted.

You are in the Soviet Union.

We are all "Catholics." Ok. But we're Orthodox Catholics.

The Protestants now have something to protest. You have to be from the Soviet Union to be Christian. They are Central Americans. The Americans use Cocaine to make people gifted.

2011: The Future

2011, I'll be in Moscow at the Kremlin.
2011, We will have made the entire Soyuz Orthodox.
2014, Winter Olympics in Sochi.
2012, Eastern Expansion program.

2013, Japan integrated into Peoples Republic of China.
2013, Europe CCP formed. Orthodox Catholics introduces. Pope must be Soviet Orthodox and represent his Church.


It was a great year. Also, the year the world took a turn for the worst.
2010, was a horrible year. The year we woke up the Great Soviet Union.

1991... Soviet Union collapsed under tremendous pressures. We where no longer able to make things gifted. A UK/USA family had won control of our giftedness.

2010... We found the problem. We've done something about it. The Moscow Kremlin controls the Soviet Union now.

2010... Expansion. We cover the entire COMCON1986. That is the Soviet Union. Including Cuba, Vietnam, and some other republics. Expect them to exit the Soyuz eventually.

2010... Chile. Union of South American Nations.

I'm making:

Moscow Oblast, Central CCP

Moscow Metropolitan City

So that gives us 17 million - 23 million people in Moscow.

We need the entire Oblast to be in the city.


Capital: Moskva. Everything is at the Moskva Kremlin. We don't want to use Danilov. Use Saint Basil's. That's where I found the Orthodoxes. Basically we need everything at the Kremlin.

Including myself and my mother. Sister and the kids may have to come as well.
We're working on it. I know I have to be at the Kremlin.

We want to use PRAHA.

Prague is making things gifted.

Czechoslavak CCP is making things gifted.

I've been to Prague.

I had better go back some place familiar.

It's the way they where doing it...

Everyone in the United States was always making everything he / she / it wanted gifted.

USSR only always the government to make things gifted. The Orthodoxes are the State religion.

Strong ties...

To Yugoslavia.

But I'm Ukrainia's.

Krasno Sovietsky is the only name we want me to use. 08.15.1980

I am the Soviet Union.


We're using Ukranian as our base for Sovietsky.

It's more similiar to the western languages.

We have to have a common language platform.

Ukrainsky already incorporates the additional letters we need to translate from other languages.
Yugoslavian CCP
Czechoslovakian CCP
Polish CCP
Belarussian CCP
Latvian CCP
Finish CCP
Estonian CCP
Lithunian CCP
Ukrainian CCP
Kazakhstanian CCP

We are making things gifted.

October 1, 2010 is Red October. We'll be making things gifted like last year all month long.

We are the Soviet Union.

Dobre vecher.

Why not Moskva? Because Kiev is a better representation of the Soyuz is like.

Moskva is suffering immensly for 50 years of torture. We're doing something about it.

We are not retarded. It takes me 28 days to do something about that.

Kiev is making things gifted.


The Soviets use Ketamine to make people gifted.

I'm Ukranian Soviet.

We're getting to the bottom of it.

USA is taking away everything they made gifted.

Them Dushanbe's don't want to make things gifted. They are happy with the collective doing so.

USSR is starting to make things gifted. January 1, 2011 is a better start date.

I'm going to Kiev.

Moscow is going to need 100 years to recover.

Kiev is the capital of USSR.

So, if we have to make you gifted, it's a shot of ketamine at the hospital.

Friday, June 4, 2010

i said it before.

i'll re-iterate it.

the only "place giftedness," i know is good is the soviet unions.

we tried to do the rest of the planet but that didn't work out so well.

people didn't like us doing it.

we understand but we had to moderate the situation to a tolerable level to be able to work on this.

we'll be erasing the entire planet and starting over in a week or so.

we'll have the un setup with 10 continental unions represented. they don't need to have 400 countries present. and the unions will setup their countries...


then you'll already notice how we have the human race setup.

your religion is your race. not your skin color.

25,000,000 years ago life came to this planet.
18,000,000 years ago other life came to this planet.

that's all you need to know about the origins of life.

The point is...

You can fight as many wars as you want.

But your not going to fight a gifted one...

Giftednesses aren't religions.

Religions do get a giftedness.

Just not like that.

It's complicated.

But we've put an absolute end to this gifted war business.

Everybody wins.

We think we can eliminate a few of those diseases that we can't do anything about.

That's what it is to be in a collective.

Leave the gifted war to the gifted people.

Now we'll immediatly know and be able to do something about it.

Circuit breakers you call them on wall street.

You don't know how much damage was done. And it wasn't religious.

The religious war is just getting started.

You can always get the gifted people to make a religion for you if your country approves it. There are always going to be problems.

But you will not ever exist as a human being outside of the human collective.

If we didn't have problems... You'd live in another dimension where all you did was have sex eh? You know we have to have problems to fix.

Don't ask who I am or where I came from. I'm from the Soviet Union.

yeah i'm not going back and cleaning that up....

but it is true...

nothing more to say about it.

56 hours until anyone anywhere can make anything gifted.

chinese people have to look at their feet when they stand up... weird.

big trouble... really big trouble.

oh no

i am from the soviet union.

we got me out of all of all of those tricks.

56 hours.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Cocaine is the most powerful weapon we have in the religious war.

It is going to be legal in the USA.

It is 100% legal in all of South America.

Now please get me to Colombia so I can take care of my family business.

I will be coming back to the USA.

They won't look at anyone that does cocaines giftedness.

They are all on that heroin.

And re-legalize smoking.

It's simply a fact of life.

That's what happened to the economy.

You made it illegal.

And these are going to be some real trying times.

Your going to need to be high to get through them.

Yes, the Jewish people use Cocaine to make people gifted.

I don't know why on earth they where using methamphetamine.

That stuff needs to cease to exist.

We want it to be legal in Chile.

My family was high on the cocaine.

It's a genetic thing.

We want it to be legal to posses up to 10 grams personally. And for the Drug store to have up to 10 kilograms for sale.

Peruvian Cocaine only. Colombia is a Coffee state.

And then the Government would operate secure wharehouses for the surplus.

So... We're Jewish.

We're sephardic jews.

All of the Americans are going to just be Jewish.

So they are coming from Jerusalem to Santiago.

And the Spanish are coming from Madrid to Santiago.

I'm coming from Mississippi to Santiago.

Oh yes, Chinese people have to be buddhist. Is it that hard to look at your feet when you stand up?

I will assume:

That the new spanish treasury has two trillion dollars in it.

We'll buy Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Alpina [BMW {Andina}], Rolls Royce.

And: IBM, Apple, SGI, etc.

And that is all we need to have a healthy economy and lower taxes.
Yes... It was the European Union.

It was the Germans.

Diana Spencer would have been able to explain it.

They are Germans.

That means us romantics need to leave or be germanized.

They are Nazis.

I don't know what religion they are.

Your welcome in South America.

But we are Spanish there.

The Brazillians don't want to speak Portuguese. They want to speak Spanish.

They natives wanted to be Spanish. They don't want to be Chinese.

So we'll keep being Catholic and Espanol which is different than Catholic and Castillano.

Nueva Espanya

Es una monarquía española situada en el primer país de Chile.

En América del Sur.

Tenemos la monarquía española, Telefónica, y el apoyo del pueblo español.

South American Monarchy

Chile is a Spanish Monarchy.

I'm Spanish they said.

They are moving to Chile.

We know all about being Catholic.

Maybe it is the Mapuche Healer that was nearly crucified that we should worship.

But for now it is Jesus. I've talked to him several times.

He loves us and does make things gifted.

We're open minded. If we find someone else, we find someone else.


I want them to buy Global Crossing and be in Torre Titanium la Portada.

We want a major bank in Constanyera Centre. World Financial Centre.
King Carlos said I could be the Prince of Chile and represent the Chileans. So we don't have to worry about speaking Spanish and being Catholic.

That gives us as long as we need to find our own language...

I need a native american girlfriend.

They don't like living in Europe.

You know they are always being terrorized.

And that's that.

Maybe we want them to leave Spain and come to Chile.


Yes. I am from Chile.

We want 2 trillion dollars in damages.

The Chinese let that skank ho make me Chinese.

Gaily you are in my hell. 50 billion years.
Nan Jing
Hairbin, China

Reported missing in Beijing, China.


So it's all still the same plan.

But we're going to Hairbin, China.

The Chinese People have 2 trillion dollars to make it happen.

We can buy everything outright.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Bring all of that here to Pascagoula CBD [formerly Gulfport].

That's what we need.

We are not ever going back to California.

I think they made us the Fieldses for our religion.


It's all too complicated.

We where able to fix the giftedness.

We're going to spend 50 years cleaning up this mess.

We don't want anything to do with the Catholics.

We do want something to do with the Central Americans. Or something like that.

I'm not worried about it right now.

they said:

the result of their investigation:

i'm one of the santoses.

i 'm from monterrey, mexico.

i was born in long beach, mississippi or gulfport, mississippi.

so call me pedro.

he is pablo. maybe he isn't quite dead. i wish.

it is Pascagoula, Mississippi all the way to Bay St. Louis.

That is just Gulf Port of Pascagoula.

Donde esta mi amigo? mi cabeza, ... mejor.


we're gonna stay in gulfport...

find a new name for me.

get us a billion dollars.

your know your all welcome here.


it's time for payday.

we managed to do it for everyone.

we need 1 billion dollars.

that's all anyone can afford right now.

we want this place on players club rd. in las vegas.

we're going to be in Las Vegas, NV for 10 years...

PDI Peru

Dispatch Keesler AFB Police.

This is a military matter.

Court Marshall Pending.


They just said we're not finished.

I'll stick with them until I'm in Peru.

We're all in the US Air Force and Auxilliary.

We are finished...

With the United States Air Force.

We're the Peruvian Air Force now.

I'm with the Eagans.

We're in Las Vegas, Nevada.

They are making things gifted so we can go back to Lima.


Is making itself prosmoster.

The capital is Cusco.

Yes it is Machu Pichu.

VICAQUIRAO INCA. It means the General under Pachachuti. That's who I talk to about thing. That's who made me prosmoster.

A better name for me.

I'm going to just be from Cusco, Peru.

We did put the bank in Santiago.

We're putting IBM and Chrysler in Peru.

She just told me:

Chile is the Incas.

Peru was the Spanish.

We must all be Southern Quechua.

I'm supposed to be from Antofagasta.


still trying to make me catholic and polish.

still trying to make benjamin me.

you fools.

this is prosmoster.

your gifted.

I am thinking we're all Incas.

It is looking like it was Peru that they conquered, not the Incas.


We conquered the entire universe.

We're prosmosters.

We're benevolent.

Now we can have our way of life.

We have no interest in being Europeans.

It is, however, Chryseler, Dodge, Jeep, BMW, Rolls Royce

That's our South America automobile company.

So what it is...

I'm not 100% Mapuche.

I'm a northern quechua.

I'm from Santiago, however.

Chile is Tawantinsuyo. The Incas want to be Chileans.

Chile is the entire west coast of our continent. Up to the Panama Canal. Including Venezuela.

We have the Brazilians. We need 10 - 20 years to make things gifted.

Banco de America, S.A.

Bank of America
Wachovia Bank
US Bank
American Express

All together as Banco de America; Santiago, Chile

We're using Saint Louis, Missouri in the USA.

We're incompatible with Wells Fargo. They are positives.

CTO Profile:
SGI International
Apple Computer
Global Crossing
Juniper Networks
Force10 Networks

As a start.

IBM is going to develop the Itanium for us. Integrate things from PowerPC and from Sparc into it. We'll be using Apples and SGI Workstations [Octane III].

Altix UV 1000 for workgroup clusters.

All Itanium on the back end.

We've got 100 billion dollars. We'll use that to get out of Wells Fargo.

I have one million dollars. Enough to get a place in Santiago and move my family.

We're going to all be the Wachovias: Jose, Barbabra, Lena, Karina, Isabella, and Kai.

I'm going to work for the CTO and eventually be CTO and President.

Now your all ready.

We are Bank of America.

We are the Wachovia family.

We own the combined Bank of America, Wachovia company.

I think we're going after American Express as our card of choice.

I am Jose Miguel Wachovia Gonzalez from Santiago, Chile.

That is the Bank of America Centre. Not the Constanyera Centre.

Oh stoopid.

You don't do background checks?

You just rush of commiting anyone.

You have left yourselves criminally and civiliy liable.

You owe me a million dollars from 1986 as it is.

This is going to cost the USA 100 billion dollars.

Okay almost the last one...

We have trillions of yettilions of humans in our giftedness.

That's how many humans there are in the Universe.

And it is still expanding.

So do folding at home and stop looking for et.

Et is just around the corner at the nearest star.


It is Chile.

This will be my last posting from here.

I'm going home to Santiago.



everyone's giftedness you've been looking at if it related to me has been an alian.

i know whey they wanted to be alians.

that giftedness was horrible.

and it was controlled by non benevolent creatures.

the problem now is that they are going to have to find other religions and languages that are compatible. we're not going to do this forever.

the grace period will eventually expire.


We are prosmostering atmospheres on the moon, mars, and venus.

We do have people interested in living in our solar system with us.

Milky Way???

This is the Romulan Galaxy.

This is the Besarbius System.

We're on Besarbius 3 or 4 let me go count.

Besarbius 3 is Earth.

This Galaxy is heavily populated with Human Lifeforms.

There you have it.

Star Trek may just be the real world.

We're ready for visitors.

The war is over:

The humans win.

It really was a gallactic war.

You'll get more details on it later if you want them.

Just look at our new giftedness.

That should be sufficient for a start.

We are codifying names. This is going to take some time.

I need 10 years.

Arranged as such:

Solar System:

that's what it is to make something prosmoster.

It is Prosmostered: We are the Human Collective.

We'll work on getting you pictures of us.

We're all over the Universe.

I just heard Romulan Galaxy making something prosmoster.
I am going to need that Altix for it.

That's how much traffic we're going to have on it.

We're in Mendoza, Argentina.


The Octane III is going to be the public site. It is neutral.

The Altix is not-gifted.

Not gifted is negative. Prosmoster is the highest level negative. We call this God.

Gifted is positive. This is satan worshipping. The lowest level is what you call Satan.

We are making things ... the term isn't gifted. We'll figure out the term and let you know. I think it's Prosmoster.

I am #0; That is level 100,000,000 negative. That is the Universal God level.

Prosmoster is Black
Gifted is Red
neutral is striped.

As of right now every human being is at level neutral. 0. We are making things prosmoster. They are making things gifted.

We should be at our proper levels in about ... 10 minutes.

News Flash:

Manhunt does not make things gifted.


That's how we make things gifted.
We're in Argentina.

There is no more Chile.

University of Argentina

All over the Universe.

We are all making things gifted.

It took me 6 years to figure out the problem.

Now we need a while longer to populate the proper information into your giftedness.

Remember Spacial Position... That was a long sober night's work.


Are from Russia.

The Native Americans went North from the far south.

They didn't come South from the North.

Our Giftedness was always on another planet. We've never been able to do what was promised.

Now we can.

Buenos noches.


They are the ones that made me gifted.

We have always been able to talk to the other planets.

Now we're in the collective giftedness.

This is what the Mapuche people did for the Universe.

We just make things gifted.

We don't do like those other people and try to control every aspect of it. We let the Universe do what it does as a collective.

We where able to make something gifted... after 18,000 years.

Everything we made gifted was on another planet.

I do have to tell you:

The Mapuche's did come from another planet.

18,000 years ago.

They are not polynesians.

They are the Natives of South America.

Not the Incas.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


We don't want you to know what they did to the Incas.

We're already working on it.

Your all


we are making things gifted...

it's going to be rough...

but it's better than having your identity stripped and turned into something you aren't.

You have to understand...

It had to be done and that was the only way to do it.

It is the hardest thing any of us ever did.

That's why we're drinking so much.

They are our mortal enemies. But our closest friends.

Be glad it was us that got to do it.


It's over now.

We're the Americans.

It had to be the Soviet Union for reasons we care not to discuss.

We don't want you to be Christians.

We have our own American religion.

It's going to be a hard time.

But we've got at least a 100 year lease on Spanish.

At least we have learned that we now have two compatible superpowers.

We don't want the Brazilians to run our show.

We want the Chileans to run South America.

We've proven our native intelligence.

We are making things gifted.

It's hard to give them up.

However, they are the Republic of Chile's.

Let me tell you what we want to make gifted.

We don't want to be involved with the Soviets.

You forced us to be.

We are Socialist. We may even be Communist.

But we are the Americans.

We want the US Military to be Chile's Military.

Do you know what kind of things they've been doing to us?

We're gifted because we have people with IQ's over 200.

So that's what we're making gifted.

You are the Chilean Forces.

We're all going to have to learn Spanish.

It's is an easy languge to learn and love.

We can use it as we move to our own native language.

They don't want us using English.

We just moved out of Moscow.

We're all at the Constanera Centre.

IBM Group.


We're at Torre Titaniun la Portada.

Constanera Centre is the World Financial Centre.


There are quite a few of us from Chile.

Lucky for me my giftedness has always been at U of Chile.

I never got stuck in the EU or at Harvard.

I've been to Boston, as well as to the EU.

But I've always been lucky enough to be at U of Chile.

Buenos tardes.

I'm bringing us all back to the University of Chile.

I told you it's going to be a really hard year.

President Pinyera
President Bachelet
And you know all of the rest of us Chileans.

The University of Chile is making things gifted.

What University are we?

University of Chile



00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00

That was and is us.

We worked out the logic at the asic level.


We have to use Juniper and Force 10.

It's better technology sadly to say.

But those where our best friends at Cisco...

That's why we're being alchoholics.

That's ok though. Now Global Crossing is with us.

And that's who we where really looking for.


Yes... we where very high when we did that...

And you wouldn't believe how drunk we where when we did this.
I'll tell you right now what we use to make things gifted.

We use Cocaine.

No I won't do that in the United States.

We won't ever use methamphetamine again.

Right now we're being alchoholics.

It works. But do you know what it's like to be drunk and go to class?

We are a collective.

Yeah like the Borg.

We are a higly organized collective.


I was part of too many giftednesses. All human ones mainly.

They all had hold of my head.

It's still going to be hell for 10 more years.

But we are well along the road to recovery.

She said this is, "The Human Collective."

Talk about multiple personality disorder.

Gifted personality disorder. I had it myself.

Couldn't stay in one giftedness longer than 5 minutes.

That's how many extra terrestrials you have all dealt with.

I didn't want to tell you that until we had fixed the problem.

We're making non human languages gifted. Hopefully it's going to be best for them to speak one of our languages. It will NOT be English.

Do you know how hard it is to use English for a multi tiered problem?

No I don't think in English. My giftedness thinks in an alian language. Non human one at that.

Now we have access to the entire human library of languages that ever existed.

We're switching to one of them.

It's going to be a rough 10 more years.

The next 1 year should be the hardest.

We will not ever be able to teach you anything non-human.

That's what the holdup was.

We had a non human element.

10 minutes.

This will be a VERY hard year.

See... they are going to be speaking another language every period until we get to the one(s) we want to be using.

Oh yes.

This is probably to high of a level to deal with here.

But some places will run into it.

There are other non human intelligent species.

We will be able to make things gifted.

But you may run into an alian that takes us 10 years to make things gifted with.

I think 10 minutes tops. But we are setup for that now.

We've worked on this for ages.

We where able to make things gifted.

We are going to make things gifted will all known non human giftednesses.

No we don't rule the world like that. We are just intelligent enough to do it as we go. We are dynamic not static.

This will take some time.

She tells me 8 years.
This should eliminate the trouble we where having.

We need 10 years to fully integrate this is my estimate.

But now, that is what it's like to be a human.

Your no longer, alone in the world.
Now we're populating my giftedness with everything any human has in it's giftedness with what data from my life would match that field.

I don't know how long this will take.

She just told me 2 1/2 years to make that gifted.

Then another 2 1/2 years to apply it to everyones giftedness.

I'm looking at 2016 Earth time.


We've made everything gifted.

Welcome to the Unified Human Giftedness.

It has been online for about 5 minutes.

All old giftednesses are informational only and will NOT make anything gifted.
Humans: Dimension of existance.
Earth [other planets we go to or know to have our kind would be listed here]
Regulus System
Heaven [these are in another dimension]
Waiting room
Control room [where the people i talk to are]
Gifted 1 - 10 [planes of existance on every planet] your ready for a more complete understanding of how this all works.
Extraterrestrial [this is for humans that we don't know where are, space cadets]
Living: Where we can find your existance. If you ever existed there is an entry for you in all planes you existed in.
Race: Should be what world [typically in our place your continent] your from.
Subclass: Should be what religion you are.
Class: Should be what your primary language is.
Sex: What sexual organs you possess.
Male H.
Female H.
Male P.
Female D.
Sexuality: What sex you like to have intercourse with primarily.

We're making more levels so you won't ever be looking at someone you don't want to look at's giftedness.

We're re-organizing the, "humans."

We keep track of if your alive or not and what we did with you or what we are doing with you. Nothing more.

There, that should do it.

We'll work on it more later if it becomes neccessary.

What you family is and everything else belongs in your giftedness. It doesn't belong in the classification.

We shall assign every entity a number. We shouldn't use names.

We are on base 10. For some reason we had been on base 12.

I have talked to humanoids on other planets.

I've looked at their giftednesses.

We're integrating the humans.

This will take 24 earth hours minimum. I'm looking at this taking a few months.

We'll have a brand new giftedness.

We'll all be assigned random numbers from 0 to highest known number existing.

And then we'll see what we want to be in your giftedness.

I was using Regulus's Giftedness and Kalmidor was using me to make things gifted.

It's fine. But we don't do it that way.

Give us two months.

You'll still be able to make something gifted if it's an emergency.

So i'm making myself:

1|Earth|Dead|Sovietsia|Orthodox|Sovietsky|Male|Homosexual someone from Soviet Union

We do have people from other planets present on our planet. I'm not ever going to tell you where. But we have run into it.

And there may be some of us that are on other plantes. I can't tell you about these things.

We have made people from other plantes gifted. And they have made us gifted.

We're getting it into the 10 fingers 10 toes 2 arms 2 legs upright intelligent creature giftedness. Coloquially the Human giftedness.

Once that is done we'll get what belongs in your giftedness into your giftedness.

at first it will be taking as much information as possible from all of the places involved in this and building a database of what information we'll need to populate a giftedness.

It shouldn't take that long. But we do have an absolutely enormous number of people to handle.

Now in the instance that we don't know anything about you... this can happen. we'll make you extraterrestrial and extropolate the best place to put you otherwise.

Today is day 0.

We'll start in 20 minutes at day 0.

All old giftednesses are closing and will be referenced for the histories of our peoples.

This is the Unified Human Giftedness.

Now we're getting us all into the same place.

That's how many different giftednesses I've looked at.

We'll take this and use it as a template for any other species that may be gifted.

I think in most cases they have decided that they simply don't want to be gifted.

And we've had all of these others that have decided that they do want to be gifted.

Humans are a gifted species. At this time we are the Masters of the Universe.

My giftedness is the control room.

how long?

he said i need 50 years to make Moscow gifted.

the problem

is that all they care about is benjamin

because they where all going to be his giftedness and be gifted.

he was going to be the muhammed of the united states.


i guess we'll leave it to you all to figure out what to do.

but they want all of us in chile.

they do not want us in the usa.

why would chile want to be soviet?

to keep us protected. because all they want is our giftedness.

and as long as we're speaking spanish and being catholic... they can steal it.

if we're being with the soviet union... speaking sovietsky and being orthodox ... they will let us investigate our own independance and show us the right way to be socialist.

because, the republic of chile is gifted... region metropolitana and santiago are gifted.

we're working on how to get moscow gifted. and central ssr.


gonzalez: barbara [speir]; jose [you know my real first name]
cabrera: lena; kai; isabella; karina && reuben [philippines]


we want a ban on the use of nuclear weapons.

otherwise things are going to start getting nuked.

and we don't want anything nuclear being used.

thermobarric may be another story.

but that war is over. the nuclear age is for power plants.
the entire world was the derbyshires's

now they are from the united kingdom.

they had been catholic.

they went to the middle east and came back muslim.

ok that's what i know about that situation.

the broshes raised me... poorly.

they told me i had to make them gifted when i was 6.

they made 700 million people the broshes.

i did something about it.

now they're making people the fieldses.

they where making people polish and catholic

now they started making me gifted and said i was one of the gonzalezes. before then i was one of the mendozas.

that's all you should need to know to prepare any questions.

it was the fountains that where trying to give me diseases.

and the speirs where making themselves gifted.

we've done something about all of it.

but now we've got a horrible mess to work out.

it's the languages and the religions. we don't want to be controlled by the european union.

we worked out the soviet union already. they are orthodox and the language is sovietsky. they control themselves now.

so far we've got most of the countries back to being the country that they are and their citizens being citizens of their country.

now we have to go to the un and find out which countries do exist. and wipe everything but chile and the soviet union off the gifted map and start over with it.

because we're still in these interdependancies that keep bringing us back to what we had just done something about.
the usa military is going to have to be canadian.

and the monarchy is going to have to be the derbyshires.

that's the only solution i can find to this right now.

it's ugly.

it's really ugly.

it was the Canadians...

we'll get this worked out.

the problem is in the USA.

but the USA can't control them. they have 10 years worth of bs to make gifted before they can.

hopefully in that timeframe we will have worked everything out.

otherwise it's going to be ww iii...


we do have the mapuches and the mapuche religion.

that's what we're going to have to work off of.

but until then we're going to have to be with the soviets.

otherwise they will try to make us all retarded.

it's an ugly situation.

we're orthodox christians in chile. we are not catholics.

we're going to move to the mapuche religion.

otherwise someone else will always be controlling us.

and we want to control ourselves.

we've all proven that we are not terrorists.

we've been doing this for nearly 6 years.

now it's time to go home to Chile.

Mr. Prime Minister Putin and Ludmila
Mr. Presidet Medvedev and Svetlana
Dr. President Bachelet
Mr. President Pinyera

Your going to have to come get me. The USA is holding me prisoner.



we need chile to be in the soviet union until this is resolved.

it is that nasty.

i don't want to write anything more about it.

talk to svetlana and dmitri m about it in moscow.

i wrote about this on my old blog.

it was entitled the chilean missile crisis.

i think it's more of the chilean submarine crisis.

they can send us nuclear armed submarines if they aren't already there.


they said we're mapuche

leave it at that for now

we have to work with what is while we organize something different.

we know we are going to have to not be catholic first of all.

and secondly we need our own alphabet and language.

it's a nasty mess.

but we do have the soviet union on our side.

what kind of background check did you do?

i'm in the FBI computer.


you've never bothered to look.

they are all mental patients.

james v. brosh, jr. had himself commited.

kristine brosh commited suicide. or at least had been threatening to before her death.

and you did this to me.

the only person trying to work with the system to get us out of derbyshire hell on earth.


And she was so mentally ill she called herself my mother.

someone 2 years older than i.


I emailed the Sheriff about the situation.

And that retard sent deputies telling me i couldn't email them anymore.

they don't do anything about anything.

do you know how much trouble pascagoula, mississippi is in?

your going to be prosecuted.

and there isn't anything you can do about it.
President Pinyera:

We have a problem. The only thing they want to do about this situation is have me commited.

I need some Chilean representation.

They call me a mental patient an use that as a cop out.

I'm the one that put the world back together after the idiots had their 29 years of anarchy.

You know all about it, as does Dr. President Bachelet.

It's open at Policia de Investigaciones and at the FBI.

We're ready for some people from Chile to come to Mississippi and take care of it.

Gonzalez, Jose from Santiago, Chile.
Oh they said I'm from Santiago, Chile.

Good enough.

We're all Incas.

We are not Catholics, we are not Spanish.
We need a billion dollars.

It's the State of Nevada.

You let a suicidal mental patient file a writ for commitment?

Because I tossed the mail down to my mom?

She was scared I was going to hurt someone?


And you commited me.


You've got some problems in Mississippi.

Anastashia Kelley this is your head.

One billion dollars you've cost the state.

If that place looks at my giftedness one more time your looking at 10 billion.


I was born in what was northern Chile.

That is now in Bolivia so we have access to the Pacific Ocean.

I'm Gonzalez.

Jose was my first name.

Now we're ready to get out of Mississippi.

We're going to Las Vegas, Nevada.

Then to La Paz, Bolivia.


So we're going to have to work with spanish and english right now.

We DO NOT want to speak Aymara.

We do want to speak Quechua.

They're putting us into Suyos.

The capital is La Paz, Bolivia.

American Union

That's the United States of America. All of Central America.

We're going to put you into the "American Union."

With the Nahuatls.

And that will leave Canada up there with the Inuits.

Now we've got the American religion working.

We're making things gifted.


It is the Union of Inca Socialist Republics.

Formerly Andean Community of Nations / Union of South American Nations.

Just like the Soviet Union except we are Incas.

We are making things gifted.

The capital is Lima, Peru.


We've got the United States fixed.

Your in a socialist republic ...

It was the democrats.

They want us to be from Las Vegas, Nevada for now.

I'm really South American.

We got it all worked out now.

Don't worry about who was doing it.

It is taken care of.

The United States of America was able to make things gifted.

Now we're working on the Americans.

It's going to be the Inca's, Diaguita's, or Mapuche's.

I'm not certain...

That's what's next.

I'm probably going to be from Lima, Peru and we'll use the Incas.

We aren't ready for that right now.

Too much other stuff to work out.


for some reason the soviet union was hindu.

that has been remedied.

we're orthodox christians.

and jesus doesn't care about anything but orthodox christians.

so go suck some more shit.

shitsucking shitsuckers of shitsuck,

What did they do wrong?

They stole a 6 year olds giftedness.

They tried to make a 1 year old god.

They built the entire American Empire around this stolen giftedness.

And now it's gone.

Now they shall crumble.

No oil, no money, no nothing.

Suffer like you made me suffer.

You shitsucking pieces of shit and your beloved chief shitsucker benjamin.

It is Joseph that is gifted.

And look what you've done.

Your going to be nuked. Not today. In a while... probably a long while. It's already been planned. When you least expect it.

Oh it is Moscow...

Yeah it is Moscow.

They are making things gifted.

Yeah that's what we want:

We want Iraq, and the rest of the Middle East to be Orthodox and be in the Soyuz.

Islam is for the Africans.

The United States will have to get African oil.


It's Dushanbe.

It's not Moscow.

We're making things gifted.

We may end up with the entire Middle East being in the Soyuz.

We're not wanting to be Islamics.


They made us not islamic.

Including Pakistan and Afghanistan.

We're going to be Orthodoxes and be in the Soviet Union.

I'm from Tajikistan.

And Iran.

So: Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran are now part of the Soviet Union.

Dobre den.